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Browse any Christian bookseller, and you will see plenty of Bible studies on the heroes of the faith. What about the terrible, evil people in the Scriptures? God’s inerrant Word includes these villains for a reason. Why are there no Bible studies about them? We know that God uses the “good guys” and the “bad guys” of the Bible to accomplish His perfect will. This study looks at the baddest of the bad: the despicable dozen. Click on book to order.

What’s Wrong With The Chosen provides a Biblical critique of the popular TV show. The author’s four objections to The Chosen are discussed, followed by an in-depth analysis in which every scene in seasons 1-3 are evaluated for historical and Biblical accuracy.


Join the author as he examines The Chosen in the light of God’s Word.

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The Westminster Confession serves as a summary of what Biblical Christianity looks like. Written over 400 years ago, it is as pertinent today as it was back then.


This 400+ page volume serves as a brief systematic theology, addressing such topics as: the justification of believers, wine versus grape juice for communion, marriage and divorce, affirmation of faith, and church attendance.

The Book of Ruth is one of the most famous short stories of all time. In just four chapters, the reader is exposed to faithlessness, death, unwavering integrity, and redemption. Ruth provides an intimate view into the back story of the lineage of King David. 


Join the author as he takes an in-depth, Reformed look into one of the greatest redemption stories of all time.


Additional Questions for Ruth

Suffering in Silence

Mental illness directly impacts twenty out of every hundred Americans.  Ten suffer from depression.  Five suffer from bipolar disorder.  Ten will attempt suicide, while four will succeed.  Four will struggle with substance addiction. What is your church doing about it?


Suffering in Silence discusses mental illness and what your church can do about it.

Copyright 2025, Timothy J Mulder

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